Paying off all your debts can be a daunting, time-consuming task, and being in this financial situation is exhausting with all the high interest that comes […]
Do debt consolidation loans hurt your credit? This is a popular question many Americans wonder about as they seek relief from high interest from debt payments. […]
The average American pays over $6,000 in interest rate payments a year. With this number seemingly increasing, we need a better understanding of how interest rates […]
Did you know between March 2020 and January 2021, 1.6 million Americans withdrew from their 401(k)? Although withdrawing from your retirement plan might seem daunting, there […]
Knowing your credit card interest rates is an essential part of personal finance. Good interest rates can make borrowing money a huge asset. Unfavorable ones could […]
Have more people accumulated credit card debt during the COVID-19 pandemic? The short answer? Yes. In fact, according to, more than 51% of American adults […]